
McCain: National French Fry Day

McCain: National French Fry Day

There are ‘National holidays’ for everything these days. To make National French Fry Day a thing, we wanted to celebrate it like a real holiday. So we gave it all the traditions and trappings of one.

Which got us thinking, it’s not a real holiday if it doesn’t have a bad Hallmark made for TV holiday movie trailer.

And it can’t be a real holiday without a house all lit up and decorated with fries, carolers and photos with Father Frymas.

Or seasonal social posts with National French Fry Day gift guides, recipes and limited edition frynaments.

And it can’t be a real holiday if you don’t demand an apology from FOX News for questioning the existence of official mascot, Father Frymas.

Credits: Me (ACD/Writer), Joel Francke (CD), Stacie Larsen ACD/Art), Amanda Krueger (Producer), Kayla Rudess (Producer), David Brown (ECD), Daniel Bonder (ECD), ✂️ by MACKCUT, 🏞️ by The Mill NY. Directed by and starring Eric Wareheim, PRETTYBIRD (Production Partners and Designers), Hero Solutions (Activation Production).

Make thingys with Chris


Make thingys with Chris 〰️