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IHOP: Bigger Than Bacon

IHOP: Bigger Bacon

IHOP were about to release something bigger than bacon. And it was, well, bigger bacon. Worried the world wasn’t ready for bacon that was 5x thicker, we created a campaign that didn’t show the product, but warned people of its mind-blowing effects.

TV Teaser

We then directed bacon fans who were desperate for a sneak peek to, where they were asked to agree to a legal waiver that prevented them from suing IHOP should they experience: Their mind being completely blown, exploded, imploded, melted or turned into mush, a sudden rush of wind hitting their face and rearranging their features, hearing an angelic choir singing ‘baaaaaacon’ in unison, reverting back to a younger version of themselves when they first tasted bacon and thought ‘wow, this is good’, never being able to look at regular bacon the same way again or any other food for that matter, the desire to trade in their best friend for a taste of this miraculous invention, or in rare cases, all of those things at once.

The Legal Waiver

To those willing to sign their rights away, we revealed bigger bacon in all its glory. Shouting from the rooftops about how an idea as big as bigger bacon only comes along once in a lifetime (even spending IHOP’s entire marketing budget to time travel 100 years into the future just to prove it).

TV Reveal


For some reason, it was much cheaper to travel to the future in radio.

Credits: Rachel Ngun (Art Director/Partner), Rob McQueen & Nic Bauman (CDs), Scott Bell & Dan Kelly (ECDs)
Perlorian Brothers (Directors)